Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Looking after our windowsill tomatoes and peas

This is my widowsill - above a radiator so it's very warm. These were sown on Weds 24th Feb - peas 3 out of 5 sprouted and looking good. Tomatoes all sprouted, they seem to stop growing but there are teeny tiny signs of the true leaves coming through.

These are my Saturday 27th seedlings - not quite so good - I didn't put them on this heated mat till a week later, oops! But you can see how hot it gets - too hot really. And the compost dries up quickly. So I prefer my windowsill... fortunately I could use my heated mat for raising bread instead!

The peas are big enough to start 'hardening off' - getting them gradually used to a cooler place so I can plant outside in a couple of weeks. I've put them in our 'garage' - its more like a garden shed... 


I've got a light on the tomatoes as they were growing long and skinny trying to get the light. The windowsill is still better I now think, and cheaper!


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