As part of Rural Community Action Nottinghamshire's 'Grow and Grow' project, Alan Withington will be hosting a 1 day workshop which will provide instruction and teach practical skills such as constructing raised beds, making planters, bee boxes etc. Please download the event poster for further details.
The course will be held on Thursday 28th February 2013 at the Dig In community Allotment, Pasture Road, Stapleford, Nottingham [map] 9.15 for 9.30 am start. Finish around 2.30 pm.
You will need to bring sturdy footwear, warm clothing, a waterproof in case of bad weather and a packed lunch. The course is free to organisations and individuals based in Broxtowe, but there is a £30 charge for those based outside the Borough (concessions apply). Booking for the event is essential.
To book and for further information, please contact Alan Withington;
tel: 01623 727600 (leave your contact details)
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