Monday, 1 March 2010

Cook & Eat sessions: dates announced

Here are the dates for this year's "Cook & Eat" sessions on the Dig In allotment in Stapleford:

  • April 28th
  • May 26th
  • June 30th
  • July 28th
  • August 25th
  • September 29th

i.e. The last Wednesday of the month, during the 'nice weather' part of the year. Even if it rains, there's plenty of space in the polytunnel, so you won't get wet whilst cooking and enjoying the food. All sessions run 1000-1230, and we're hoping to have a nutritionist available for at least some of the sessions, to give advice and answer your questions on food and health.

The emphasis is on participation, to enjoy cooking and eating healthy food, straight from the allotment wherever possible. It's not difficult and you learn so much. I went along to a Cook & Eat last year, as my introduction to Dig In, and I've been hooked ever since (although I'm still daft enough to be talked into peeling the onions - weep, weep.)

We can accommodate up to 15 adults at each session, so it's essential to book by calling Kathy on 07817 523 087 or Mia on 0115 883 5049 or 07717 866 898. Children are welcome, so long as they are accompanied and supervised by an adult. If there's enough demand, we'll provide art and craft activities for the tiddlypeeps.

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